HAPPY 2018


Well…… here we are!! 2018!!  Seriously, where does the time go??

Taking a look back at the blog and the year in general, pretty much everything came to a screeching halt around February.  Just like life to throw you a curve ball when you think you are constantly batting home runs.  But with life, things change, we adapt, move forward and we learn.

2017 was chalk full of lessons!!  Some were hard lessons and some down right humorous (the latter would start with ……. “this one time…. on the way back from London”).  This year would definitely of solidified my place on the entertainment channel’s best reality show of the year, had it been picked up for cable.

So what does 2018 have in store??  So far it will see us (myself and #2 daughter) moving into our new place, two big adventure trips, having our pup come back home to stay and certainly lots more London flying, which will not begin with “this one time” (lesson learned there~lol).  As I’m not big on planning, the things that are already in the works are a big achievement for me and we’ve barely even gotten into January.  Hello! big win there!!  Everything else that will come this year is certain to be amazing and I am counting all my blessings.

I wish you all an equally amazing year of good fortune and fun ❤️





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