It has been about six months since I started working out. I’ve completed home programs and made up my some of my own. Followed some premade eating plans and learned how to count my macros. All in all I’ve enjoyed keeping active and in the process lost 20 pounds. In my continuing effort to be more active I’ve tossed around the idea of joining a gym. I keep entertaining the idea for the simple fact that I believe my progress would be further enhanced with weights. That being said, I’m not crazy about having to look & smell good and also having to drive somewhere just to use them.
Sooooooo, what’s a girl to do but convince her man that everyone in the family could benefit of having some gym equipment at home. As I’m not completely crazy, I scoured the Internet for some good used equipment and VOILA ~ we now have an amazing little home gym in the comfort of our own home.
Since I will be getting sweaty and smelly one needs to make sure the fitness equipment stays well maintained from said hard sweaty workouts (cause I figure that more you sweat the better your workout -right? RIGHT? ). Sooooo I kicked it into DYI mode and whipped up some cleaner to use on my “new to me” machines.
If you too would like to indulge in some DYI fun here are the items you will need to make your very own disinfectant:
- spray bottle
- Vinegar – 1 cup
- Warm water – 2 cups
- Baking soda – 1/2 cup
After you’ve warmed the water, add that to your spray bottle along with your baking soda. Shake it up to dissolve. Next add your vinegar and BAM you’re done ~OH wait you need to get out your labeller (cause every DIYer has a label maker) and label that bad boy!!! I do not recommend however adding the baking soda and vinegar as your first two steps :/ my spray bottle become an eruption of baking soda bubbles that went on forever!
Now pair your newly labelled disinfectant with some reusable cloth wipes and you are in business!