We have four….four fur babies. Two dogs and two cats. I can’t imagine our family without them. Two dearly missed pets preceded these four and just like our humans, losing them never gets any easier.
They have personalities and character that keeps us laughing (sometimes cringing) everyday. We are rarely without the pitter patter of four legs in this house and when they aren’t here, it is somewhat eerie.
There are so many out there that need a home. Not just any home but one full of love and understanding. Like raising a family we have to teach our fur babies how to behave, how to be good, how to do the right thing. Like family we have to expect that things will go sideways and you have to deal with it. When teaching your child to potty train and it’s not sinking in, would you abandon all hope and get rid of them? hmmmm probably not. So why oh why do people do this with their pets?
Please watch the video until the end~ it really puts having a pet into perspective. I tried to watch it again but it just made me so sad. Please, please think about giving pets as gifts. Really think about the impact on your life when you decide to get one. Is it right for you? If you have to think about it maybe the answer is no.