We here in the beautiful Okanagan Valley of British Columbia have been in a heat wave for quite a while now. Our bedroom windows get the full brunt of the afternoon/evening sun and even though we updated our AC last year, it just can’t pump enough air through the one (yup just one) vent in our large room. So to promote a most enjoyable sleep, we’re kicking it old school with an oscillating fan on high.
Even though the fan does a good job my Dad has a Dyson fan that he hasn’t been using. So being a HUGE Dyson lover, I asked to borrow it. He warned me that it was extremely noisy, but I just chalked it up to him over exaggerating. So, away I went super happy to try out this amazing fan, I mean common, Dyson is the bomb right?! Also they state how quiet they are on the commercial…..clearly my Dad has to be wrong. No blades to clean or moving crap around in the air~bonus!
So all set up in the bedroom and ready to go. Oh a remote~sweet!!! Turning it on-ok….hmmmmm not so noisy. Doesn’t really seem to push much air. Found the button to rotate it. Okay now its moving side to side…still not much power in the air department. Pretty cold air but not much. So I figured I would just leave it working through out the day and surely it would cool the bedroom for an enjoyable sleep. Come back later on to go to bed and really don’t notice any difference.
Leaving it for the night I revisit the controls the next day. Well DUH! I clearly missed the power up button for the fan. Awesome NOW we are in business. So I push the power all the way up to a ten. Holy crap~my Dad wasn’t kidding. This thing sounds like a 737 getting ready for take off. WTH? I stand across the room to see if at least the air would reach the other side of the room….like really it should reach down the hall with all the noise. Nope~nada!
Curious to see how the sound level stacked up against our ten-plus year old oscillating fan, I downloaded a decibel reader onto my phone. I’m sure it’s not a bang on, exact reader but whatever, it would give me some idea I’m sure.
So here is how the Dyson stacked up to our old Home Depot fan. Since the old fan only has three settings, I read the Dyson sound from levels 1,5 & 10 which I figure should be equivalent.
Dyson- Old Fan-
*level one – 66-67 *level one – 69-70
*level five – 79-80 *level two – 77-78
*level ten – 87-88 *level three – 79-80
When both fans were on full power the old fan hands down won in the noisy department~A LOT~as well you could feel the air across the room.
Needless to say we will be using the old fan on the hot nights not only because of the noise but the fact you could actually feel it. So disappointed in the Dyson not only for the price point (sooooo expensive) but also for the quality.