January 2016

We are now at day six of 2016.  I consider it really day three as no ‘first’ day ever started on any other day but Monday right?  Think about it….when does your first day at work start~Monday….when do the kids go back to school~Monday….when does your new diet and exercise start~MONDAY!!!!  So when I decided to do the revamping of my 2106 goals clearly it wasn’t going to start on the first of January!!! Really, give your head a shake if you think any of my grand schemes and plans will start on a Friday (Jan 1st this year) especially the boozeless January  portion.  Three more days for me~whoop~to continue living it up post 2015, getting more cushion around my middle (cause that so TOTALLY happened~ohhh-M-gee!).

Last year was spent trying to stay on the fitness track.  I got programs for exercise and food, following along, falling off and getting back on again.  All in all it was not a bad year.  Although I must admit that while I did pretty good by some standards, I may of written it all off in the month of December.  Once I completely fell off the wagon, it was every man for themselves and if your right hand held a butter tart you could consider yourself now a leftie.  So here I am sort of sad cause I am squishy but happy that I had an amazing holiday spent with my family, which far outweighs the latter, right?

In the next few days I will be writing about how I plan to execute these plans of mine and what they entail from fitness to fortune (I am sooooooo winning that lottery!).  Hopefully this will make me even more accountable then last year because as mentioned before, things that take time & patience totally got missed on my DNA makeup.

I’m never really sure how to end these posts….you know like when you were a kid and you had to write a thank you to your Grandma… regards, sincerely, bye.  I really have the urge to say “later bitches” but maybe that’s inappropriate ?? who knows.  So how about Stay Beautiful…cause we all are and should be reminded every day!!❤️

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