I was contacted by a company called Fame Fitness Network. They emailed me and said they read my fitness reviews on my blog and said they would love to have me join their company to do product reviews. Wow! Really? Me?!?!?! Flattered I filled out the form to get started.
In order to start with them they ask I order a bottle of Forskolin Fit Pro and do a review. I google it and see a product review from Dr OZ stating how revolutionary this new found herb is to help eliminate fat all the while retaining and building your muscle. Sure, why not right?
I fill out the order form and low and behold I have to pay for shipping. Simple, easy, five bucks, okay. The form also stats that if I did not cancel my “subscription” before 15 calendar days from my free trial order’s confirmation email date I would be automatically enrolled in their auto ship program, however I may cancel at ANY time. Still I’m thinking, easy peasy. Sign on and away I go fully anticipating doing a great review and also getting more products to review from Fame Fitness Network.
Of course I receive my confirmation/celebratory email thanking me for my order.
Next I receive my shipping confirmation and that is when the red flags begin. Looking at the shipping dates I am informed that my product will arrive Read More